Endocrinology Department

"PES" - Park Endocrinology Services - To ensure that all is in order with our below latest instruments that we keep upgraded always.

» Roche Cobas e411 Chemiluminescence
» Merilyzer EIAQUANT ELISA reader
» Gamma Spectrophotometry for Radioimmunoassay

Special Tests

» GAD 65, IA2, C-peptide
» TSH receptor antibody
» Thyroid antibodies (Anti TPO & Anti Tg)
» Growth Hormone stimulation test
» Cancer Marker – PSA
» Vitamins- Vitamin D, Vitamin B12
» Hormone Test- FreeT3, FreeT4, TSH, LH, FSH, PRL, Testosterone, Estradiol, Progestrone, 17-OHP, Insulin

Scientific contributions
» 3 book chapters
» 3 national publications
» 5 international publications